IF YOU SUPPORT TRUMP: You are not a good person.

4 min readSep 22, 2024



This is based on facts. Evidence of Trump’s inhumanity, his lack of decency, his dishonesty, his treasonous nature, his backstabbing, his licentious ways, his disregard for human life, is overwhelming and available for everyone to see. So, when someone says he is the right person to lead our country, it is obvious said individual does not care for Trump’s character, but instead said questionable behavior resonates with whom they are.

Otherwise, how can anyone support an individual whose character and words are those we teach our kids to avoid and hold them accountable when they indulge said misdeeds? How abhorrent is a bully, making someone’s existence miserable, causing them to feel insecure and alone? Have we not seen said abuse lead to violence, suicides, and mental issues? Therefore, can any decent person support Trump who instead of explaining policy and giving insight into how he will resolve problems in the country, instead goes and insults his opponents of anyone who has said anything about him that he does not like. What does it say of those listening to his nonsensical rhetoric? Full of hate and vitriol, because he, -Trump-, will not do anything to better anyone’s lives, and his supporters know it. However, he talks to their hate, fear of change, and insults those they want to insult themselves, however, most are too coward to do it themselves, -Trump only does it because he is protected by secret service agents and police officers- if not he would not spew a single of the many disgusting words he so freely uses.

The MAGA cult, include those from the kkk, others who subscribed to a Nazi philosophy, and most ironic Christian Evangelicals. That last group who preaches of love for fellow man, nobility, respect, and swear on a bible believing in an all mighty, are the most fervent supporters of Trump, a man that goes against everything they adhere. They support the antithesis of what their religion is about. Contradictions are overwhelming, but hilarious as well. They just believe his lies and refuse to do research and look at his lack of moral compass, compassion, honesty, respect. Those qualities are alien to him, they simplify everything he is not.

The irony is hilarious. MAGA people think this man who cheated on all his wives, divorced twice, and remarried will consider doing anything for their lives, except lie to them to get their vote and once there he will only concentrate on amassing more wealth for himself and gaining more power.

The MAGA’s ignorance is obvious as they are interviewed in Trump rallies, and they give opinions which like the man they support are nothing but off the cuff comments without foundation, and when asked for proof they just say look it up is all over the internet, but unable to give anything specific, and when confronted with the proof contradicting the opinion they deny it and claim such information is fabricated by the media. They are laughable to the point of annoyance, such willful and stubborn ignorance, refusal to admit they are wrong and give a chance for a change is a clear example of blind devotion. Such as that given to Hitler when he started calling the media the enemy of the people and dividing a country on hate by blaming a race for the nation’s economic problems. No, the genocide during WWII did not start with concentration camps and ovens where people were savagely murdered, no, that atrocity started with a man reaching out to the uneducated, uninformed, and therefore violent masses and preying on their innate hate for not having what they wanted and telling them it wasn’t their fault, but instead their happiness being take away by others.

The bottom line is, Trump is a Caucasian male who speaks to their hate, and it resonates with them, so in the end they say well no one is really going to makes us feel better, so let’s go along with the one insulting people and being racist, it validates who we are and what we would love to do. Now, for the minorities who follow this immoral and disgusting individual, they are obviously delusional and feel that by standing by such group of questionable individuals, they will somehow be part of them and will no longer be consider part of a minority.

At the end of the day on November 5th, after the votes are counted, hope we will have Kamala Harris as our first Black woman president, and optimism will again reign, women’s right to choose and autonomy over their own bodies restored. LGTBQ rights will be reinstated. And those who tried to overthrow the government and create a fascist state held accountable. The racist and divisive mob identified and from now on seen for what they are, nothing but a group of people who if given the chance would commit atrocities such as those with the Native Americans, those from the Black community, displacing and murdering native Mexicans, Latinos, and those of Hispanic heritage, the Holocaust during WWII. They are not trustworthy and must remain guarded against them. The division was always there, however ignored. It will remain if we allow that type of racism to have a voice and go about committing crimes with impunity.

The time has come for all to face reality and see our society and this country for what it truly is, a nation of beauty and wealth created by minorities, however, a minority of Caucasian and racist people taking credit for what minorities did and then oppressing, murdering, displacing, and lynching those who gave them greatness.




Written by Igarin

Father, writer, long live TheResistance, blogger.

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