FORGIVE AND FORGET: “Nothing but a free pass for history to repeat itself.”
Absurd and incomprehensible. A cliché used time after time to avoid responsibility for future misdeeds. These transgressions, most perpetrated by the same individuals. Drive us to survive in self-denial, it’s no wonder anxiety overwhelms. We have been programmed morbidly to a self-patronizing principle that it is best to forgive and forget, just so in the future the manipulators can continue with their malevolent deeds. This cynical behavior begins at home with toxic members who by their hand have dug a hole of failure and uncertainty, therefore, believe that by bullying and putting others down to their level, they may feel self-worth.
This self-destructive behavior has permeated the fabric of society, and so as trained we excuse transgressions as just a lapse of judgement, but not a trait of pervasive racism, misogyny, homophobia, and xenophobia on the part of police officers, politicians, and businesspeople.
This callous indifference started by forgetting and forgiving the brutality and inhumanity inflicted on the Natives of this land. People who were murdered, displaced, and treated as enemies for defending their land from pillagers. We acknowledged slavery as if in afterthought, but we never accepted the outright brutality and inhumanity perpetrated on a race just because of their skin tone, and we see critical race theory as a blueprint to hate the United States of America, rather than the systemic oppression of people by another. Hispanics who had inhabited this land for hundreds of years were lynched, beaten, discriminated, and told to leave the land that was theirs.
The pattern of self-deception is right before our eyes, a perverse desire to just ignore the obvious and instead imagine that evilness will become good, just because we cuddle it and listen to it. This brings us to the situation in the USA since the 2016 presidential election when a corrupt, sexual predator, and racist -Trump- claimed the late Senator from AZ John McCain was only a hero because the late Senator had been a pow in the Vietnam War, but that he -Trump-, preferred those that were not caught. First, Trump dodged the draft by claiming bone spurs and yet playing football in college, and second, he made it sound as if some volunteered to be pow’s while others went to combat. Only such and individual as Trump, with low IQ, no sense of ethics, self-centered and liar can make such claims. But there are many people with questionable behavior and despicable opinions, however, others don’t have a following of millions who wound voting for him as president, and now what are we think of those who support even claim Trump is a messiah and true patriot, what of these people?
But no, instead millions who are just as hateful, racist, and inhuman were emboldened by such despicable words. And seem to say, “hey, if someone running for president can say that, then so can I” -of course they were not grammatically correct, but that is beside the point-. They have shown their true colors, their hate, their disgust towards others because of how they look, how they worship or not, or how they love or who they love. And no matter the facts regarding Trump being an enemy of the state and outright disregard for the well-being of the nation, his supporters were steadfast in their fascination with their leader. They ignored thirty-four felony convictions, one conviction of sexual misconduct, the deaths of thousands of Americans due to a pandemic, and his administration’s absolute inability to manage the situation. Time after time this man lies to everyone about everything and make-up stories, which his supporters swallowed whole and take such deceptions as being the one and only truth.
The division is evident, there is no going back, and for those optimists who preach of forgiveness and tolerance, we just have to say, “give me a break”, how could we again break bread with people who are against women’s rights, who believe anyone non-Caucasian isn’t worthy of the same respect as those who are, or that LGBTQ people are second rate citizens; really is anyone that naïve to think we can all again be one happy country working towards one goal? These people -known as MAGAs would murder us-, just as long ago six million people murdered by a bunch of criminals who thought themselves being part of a superior race. And for hundreds of years another group of people enslaved, raped, and murdered because their skin made them less than human according to a group of murdering psychopaths. Hispanics considered less than human because of skin tone and kicked out of their own land, Native Americans murdered, after their land was invaded, treated as less then human, their children were taken away, so they could be raised in a civilized manner according to corrupt politicians descendants of those who had invaded the nation and stole the land from those who had been living there for hundreds of years.
Polls should not be heeded; this mistake was made in 2016 and Hillary Clinton lost the election. This time we must all go out and vote, because our lives depend on it, our freedom, the rights of women to govern over their bodies, the rights of the LGBTQ are threatened, and immigrants who work and provide for their families are in danger of deportation. We must go and vote as if our own single vote will make the difference because it will. We must vote for our freedom and right to exist and not go back to a time when skin tone provided safety and security.
And let us not forget and forgive those who preached racism and division just as that individual did and whom they voted for. These MAGA individuals, if given the opportunity and with impunity would do away with those they don’t like because the color of their skin, their religion, or for whom they love. They would do it because their anger and frustration must have an outlet. They are bullies and just like that less than likeable family members, they want everyone to be as miserable and unhappy as they are.
Let us never forget whom they praised and whom they supported, let us not forget how the line in the sand was drawn, and let us say it to those who think we will again break bread with people who have shown as their true selves, no, we will not forgive, this is the point of no return and from now on, it is, us against them!