ELECTIONS 2024: Matter of decency.

3 min read5 days ago

We have one candidate -Kamala Harris- who knows what is like to struggle to get what is desired, someone who watched her mother work to provide for her family. Former prosecutor for the state of California eventually becoming DA, junior senator for the State of California, and then went on to become Vice President of the United States of America. Now despite of many critics, -let’s try and be polite when speaking about said individuals-, Vice President Harris achieved this by hard work, a work ethic inherited from her mother, who knew what is like to work for a living.

The individuals claiming Vice-president Harris achieved her success by any other way, other than hard work are the same people who in turn praise and revere a convicted felon, found guilty of sexual assault, who believed Putin a known dictator and assassin of his detractors over the findings of our intelligence agencies, a man who through negligence and his disastrous administration allowed thousands of Americans to die from covid, and the list of transgression from this individual go on and on and on.

Now, if anyone thinks that a man of such low moral character will do anything worthwhile for anyone let alone an entire country, that person is obviously delusional and not in touch with reality. However, this man speaks to people’s hate, anger, and frustration, Trump emboldens their deep desire…




Father, writer, long live TheResistance, blogger.